Friday, August 31, 2012

The New Puffy Blog!

Cant resist myself from creating another new blog.. 
I have so many abandoned blogs.. taha! 

Anyway, I created this Puffy (by Art Frenzy) Blog

To share with you the Puffies I made..


Probably I will be selling Puffies!!

(Since Im starting Uni very very soon and I believe I have not much time for Puffy..
But I hope I can manage my time well! ^^)

Puffy is a lovely cubic cotton puff... 

I feel Puffy a life.. 
A puff which can spreads Loves..

Feel Free to visit my New Half Done Blog: 

Cheers! ^^ 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Unpredictable Future

" So, what course will you be doing? "
"Erm.. Pharmacy Course!"
"Owww!~~~" with those "serious???" expression...
"Pharmacy course is very hard you know??"
"Ya I know.."

10 asked and 9 gave me this...

I asked QC why?

And he said Im those modellish look so people never thought you will be a future pharmacist..

Hmm.. A good way to comfort me indeed.. haha

Well.. Why do I choose pharmacy course??
-Because among all of the jobs I think Pharmacist suits me the BEST!
*I really hope I can complete the course! Joyce you can do it!

People ask me why not I choose my art path.??
1. Im not pro in arts
2. Im half a bucket
3. I dont follow watever latest style
4. I only do what I like to do, Like the colour matching I like
5. Most Importantly, inspirations of arts wont come every second..

I always like to give this example :
There was a street of artistic people selling their artwork...
LOTS of people surrounding their stall and take a look..
not much people willing to spend their money on arts stuff..
Even me myself..
*sadly.... if i earn alot, maybe i will buy la. haha..

Anyway, I always wanted to have a business dealing with art stuffs..
I used to have an online blog shop.. but failed.. xD
because of the too expensive postage fees...

Recently, I tried to come out with a handmade plush toys -PUFFY
I want to make it my trademark! =p My only puffy design..
Too bad, uni starting soon... and Im gonna be busy!
Hopefully I can manage my time well for arts and studies... ^^

Im happy and glad that I have my dear always stay beside me, comfort me whenever I feel inferior..
He understands me more and more as time goes by...Love you.. <3

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Finally, the  WATSONS YOU AWARD  is over...
And Im very lucky to be chosen as the Healthy Hair Category Winner..=D

Going through this competition aint an easy job..

There are so many task for us to complete..
1.The audition
2. The Booth Camp
3. The Charity Event
4. The social network - Facebook Challenge Voting
5. Promoting brands through Facebook
6. Grand Finale

Throughout this 1 and a half month we have to sacrifice our time, our energy, our money..
Some of our group members even gt conflict with parents for going home late due to practices for grand finale's performance.

Im so lucky to have my family who had been understanding ,guiding me, and supporting me. <3
Love YOU!! 

And most importantly, I have My dearest QC <3 for his physically and mentally support from the beginning till the end! Being my driver, my assistant, my supporter aint easy huh... ?? hahaha... Muackzzz! ^^
Groupmates kept on praising him instead of me... fine.. xD YOU DESERVE IT! 
**Sorry for all the scoldings you got from me during the barbie doll video shooting.. xD PMS... oops..

And not forgetting my lovely friends Sherene, Karmen, Mei Ting, Hui Ting, Chee Fai, Nelson & Mandy for your support during the grand finale! Thanks for coming!! ^^ <3 Sherene, Karmen, the banner you made, I sticked them on my wall..xD So nice!! ^^

And and! Thanks to all my Group 3 members and Luke.. We had been supporting each other while we were nervous, emo, feel down, inferior.. We worked hard together for the charity and performance..
I will never forget the moments.. Short, but memorable... =D

The finalists of each category seems to be like our competitors, but I will never forget during the grand finale, at the back stage, before we prepare to face the results, we see tears in everyone's eyes, not because we are afraid to lose but for the end of this watsons you award competition.. =(

Last but not least, some photos during the watsons you award grand finale.. =D

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Confident Heels

These are the products sponsored by sunsilk to the healthy hair finalist! =D

There are Hair Shampoo, conditioner, mask and leave on treatment!

I want to give Jo a big thank you and A big kiss for this love heels...
He purposely traveled to time square to get this heels for me since there is no stock the other day! 
Love ya! <3 ^^ 

and Jo actually take a day off to shop around mid valley and we got this heels from Vincii! =D

Without a heels is like lacking of something to walk confidently ...
However I found myself still walking like a duck with heels!

I have to wear it everyday from now onwards!!! 
Support me?! 

*Being narcissistic just for the competition.... Being like a public figure just for the competition...
Its like so not me.. =(
People must be thinking : "wah, who you think you are?? "

Better sleep and stop thinking further!! 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The photos

There is kiddo in me, there is mature look on me! 
How would I present myself by balancing them?



I didt know there is this catwalk learning session from Amber Chia today..
We wore FLATS instead of High Heels..
This really ruins my day!!

I was invited to a bootcamp organised by Watsons together with MYC this morning..
I have no idea what are we going to do in the bootcamp. (I should have asked the supervisors!!argh!)

First we had ice breaking games. 
Choose the strings, and Amy rolled around her finger, and you have to introduce urself until she finish rolling.
Then we have a game about memorizing new friends' names la! 

Allow me to use "then" for many times here.. xD

Then the representative of MYC explained about what we will go through..

Then, was a talk from Bon Zainal,the famous fashion designer. 
He talked about branding and all that, which I cant really accept. Brands Brands Brands. Aih.. 
*Although its TRUE!=D

Then, we have no choice but to have a working lunch - MAC DONALDS! TADA! 
(i ate macdonalds for my breakfast this morning!)

Then, an interesting talk by a Lady - Stephanie L.- shez a hypnotherapist.. She taught us about confidence, body languages, voices and THE CIRCLE..THE INVISIBLE CIRCLE...imaginary circle of your life.. I have to practice it and see whether it works.

Then, AMBER CHIA's catwalking session. She is really thin and skinny. =D 
Anyway, we just spent around 20 mins with her and there goes the catwalk session.

What we have to do?
We have to rush to the wardrobe, choose the dresses/ clothes which you think it suits you and make up within 15mins. 

I was stunned when I looked a the wardrobe. I didt expect myself to put on weird fashions..
You know, I always keep things simple, loves plain loves simple. Ended up, Im wearing a floral mixing with some tradisional style..knee length..ah! I dont know you to describe. 
The dress actually looks good! only that Im without a heels, its like Im having short legs...


so we have to walk like a model infront of the judges... Basically surrounded by the judges like this :

* * *
*    J    * 
*        *
*        *
*        *

*First time doing this infront of celebrities made me stressed up and confidence level again go

Down Down Down the stairs ~~~

The saddening part is when the judges actually stunned and one of the judge ask the other judges : 

"so, what do you think about her hair?" 
"O! this is healthy hair award, not beautiful hair award.." another judge said.

what I understand from that is that they dont really like my only black and straight hair like the others do..
Perhaps maybe they are fashion designers, celebrities...
They have different point of view about hair..they want style...

and Amber Chia actually commented Im not confident enough! yea~i am... =(

And after some summarizing session, we went off..

Why am I emo-ing ? :
- Im Tired!
- I have to make videos of my own to teach ppl how to protect hair and so on.. which is so not me..
- I have to collect facebook likes again in the later stage of this award..fed up..
- I have to perform in a group in the grand finale. 
- I dont have any presentable talent!
- The other contestants friends, they have lots of talent, they are pretty, smart, sociable, speaks good english..OMG!!
- Im not photogenic at all!
- Why am I so shy, so lack of confident! 
- I need a new heels! I spotted one heels the other day, and its out OF STOCK!!! ish! 


meeting with my Jo ,mei ting, suzzane and yong zheng tomorrow to celebrate belated suz's birthday!
You have to solve my emo -ness tmr guys!! haha!

Sher, Karm, ,Yeemun, Im missing you... When shall we meet again?? not in sg wang pls... haha

Goodnight... not enjoying my emo night... =(

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


They got too many finalist, I have been mentioning "finalist" from the beginning of the contest till now!

Watsons called me this afternoon while I was busy serving 3 customers.
"Hello, Im calling from Watson, we would like to inform you that you are.....for the award finalist.."

"Sorry? Qualified or disqualified?" 


*Stunned...... And continue to serve the customers happily.. xD 

Wow! I have to start brushing up my english and improve my fashion sense, the way I talk, the way I walk.. 
Just dont wanna "throw my own face" anymore.. = = 

Hopefully this will be a great and memorable experience for me..
I wanted to try modelling since n years ago, and the chance is here!!
Although I know the life of modelling is not what I want!
Just wanna get a TRY and experience it!!!

For now, Im brainstorming how to increase my mum's shop - AVON's sales..
Enjoying the headache process! 


Goodnight.... ^^

Monday, June 11, 2012

Watsons You Award Audition

I collected all my courage to attend this audition..
Thanks to my lovely mummy, Jo, sister, Mei Ting, aunt and many many else. haha
Joining this audition is not about winning,
Its about experiencing how is an AUDITION like?..
(Of course if I get to win in this award that will be the best la! hhahah)

Ok..Now i know it.. Experience GAINED! Proud of myself..!=p

*I actually joined this WATSONS You Award in MAHSA university when I was doing the roadshow. =D

How is the competition like?

There are 8 groups :
1. Healthy Hair (HH)
2. Friendly Face (FF)
3. Body Beautiful (BB)
4. Engaging Eyes (EE)
5. Luscious Lips (LL)
6. -
7. -
8. -

1 -5 are for Ladies and 6- 8 are for guys!

So I joined HH,FF,&BB.

I reached Jaya 33 early in the morning around 8am with my mummy.
Sitting at the entrance seeing more and more beautiful gorgeous girls walking in to the hall make me getting more and more nervous.

1st interview session was for Healthy Hair group.
Each contestant have to walk in to the conference room and stand on the "X", introduce yourself and answer their questions!
The interviewers are really friendly and they asked about how you protect and manage your hair and so on.

Not more than 5 mins, the interview ends.

After all the healthy contestant being interviewed, its the time for us to wait for the final list!

Finally, the person in charge asked us to gather and he told us there are 4 finalist.
1st person - 3rd person are not me.. sadly...
But happy to tell you that IM the FORTH one! hahahhha yeah! HIGH FIVE!

4 OF us were told to do a makeover and photography session in another room.

The bad news is : They are going to choose 3 out of 4 accordingly from the photos. Guess they will be choosing the photogenic ones.. The results will be out tomorrow.. I wonder If I will be kicked out from the contest.

So what will the last 3 finalist get to do?
They will have the chance to learn catwalk with Amber Chia the supermodel!
and some company sponsoring the model wardrobe or something like that..
and they will be doing charity together with other 33 contestants.

Whether Im that lucky enough to get into the final final list. haha..??

Anyway, I get to met some new friends which I found hard to communicate with,
just because their english is too good and they are really sociable.. which really pulls me down, feeling inferior..T.T

Writing a blogpost is really tiring! XD but I enjoy sharing, just whether You can understand my english.. =p
Thats all for today! I will end my post with some photos took by by mummy during the audition! Tata! =D

The nervous look ..= = 

Mummy <3 ^^

I was really retarded when they wanted to interview me..
Please dont upload my video please!!!!! T.T

The pretties and the sociable ones (except me..=p) 

While announcing the results for Friendly Face.. 

While waiting for our turn for the interview.. =D

Lining up to enter the interview room once again.

Retarded +nervous look! again....

Sunday, June 3, 2012


So I went to 4 roadshows for Nestle Bliss together with Mei Ting and the others..
What do we do? 
1. Ask students to like the Nestle Bliss page and get a voucher to buy RM1 yogurt or 
2. If they have 3 friends coming together, Fill in the form, like our page and snap a photo to join the BFF contest, and get a FREE yogurt drink.

Dont call us promoter or sales girl .... WE ARE BRAND AMBASSADOR! fuiyo...

**BRAND AMBASSADOR - sounds cool.. hahaha

And our target was 33 pairs of contestants and 200 likes for each roadshow.

They had lots of roadshow but I only went to 4 of them, since Im only a BACKUP..

Till now, I took part in Masterskills, Mahsa ,UTAR &Taylors Lake Side University.

Masterskills - There was so many students! Crowded! Mostly are malays. By 1pm we managed to hit our target! First day of mine was terrible, i didt know how to manage the samsung tab, and the whole situation was in mess. Anyway, got to handle and hold it until the end.

MAHSA - Had the experience, and I started to do things in a more organised manner. 
Quite alot of students too!  Oh! and I met Yong Zheng there too! This fellow doesn't sounds like a doctor. 
*Dont punch me.. =p We managed to hit the target and sell all the yogurts by 3pm! Yoohoo!

UTAR(PJ) - The location was in basement, where not many students walk by, but the students were friendly, we manged to do everything by 3pm too! Students always come in 3 girlfriends! Cool!

A photo of me and the my perfect side parking outside UTAR! xD

Taylors - Im sorry to say that this roadshow gave me the worst ever feeling! Our stall was located infront of starbucks and students actually smoked in that area! everywhere!! Like you are very cool yea??  The whole morning + afternoon  i was Breathing in their secondhand smoke.until my throat all dried up! Excuse me, a university with lots of smoking students?? I cant accept it!! 

Second thing, when we see a single branded stuff on you, or you dress up like going for a fashion show, opps, we would't walk to you. You're lucky!
Because we know you wont want to bother us! CHEH! 

With the 12,000 students crowd, we only manage to hit our target by 5pm.

ps. is that environment suitable for students to study in?? IM very curious.. More like a shopping mall to me! haha!=D  
anyway, I met some friendly & helpful students here too!!=D  

ANYWAY ANYWAY, I love this job alot 
1. I have my best friend working together, helping each other!
2. Met alot of new friends - Xin Yee, Jessie, Kei Kei, Keith , Apple and a few more =D
3. Met some old friends during the roadshows like - Xiu Xiu and Pei Ying
4. Friendly Supervisors - Linda and Amir
5. Get to see different people's behaviors towards "us".
6. ALOT of reasons! =D

Going to the Melacca Roadshow next week!!
I hope that will be a great sambil main sambil kerja experience! keke!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Watson MYC audition??!!!

Dear Ler Jia Xin,

You have been pre selected as one of the finalists of the Watsons You Award Season 5 !!
You have been selected for the category healthy hair and friendly face (female)

We would like to check for your availability on the 9th June, Saturday to come for an audition

I registered for the watson you award coz i tot i do not have to attend all these audition thingy...
Ended up, i actually have to go for an audition....OH MY GOD...
Im happy and excited that I got into the finalist...
BUT, HEY, AUDITION!!!!! IM too SHY to go for that...

Thinking...thinking..............This is a great chance man....
should i go? should I go?? 


And and and right! The Nestle Bliss supervisor (Linda) from MYC gave me an opportunity to be one of the candidates of becoming the model of the MYC magazine cover page!
This is great!!!!!!!!!!!! But again..Im too shy for this...T.T

Oh dear, jia xin jia xin, what are you thinking... ==

Monday, May 7, 2012


Woke up around 5:45am out of suddenly..
Went down to the garden to take a look at the kitty..
But I cant found her in the box!

Where is she???

Perhaps her mummy cat bring her to a safer place?~!

At last my mummy found her under our car..

She is dead..

Kakak Sunarni pulled her out from the underneath..

And found out that the kitty had lost one of her leg..
and her neck part got bitten until half gone..

Poor little kitty..
Who did this to her??!!

This is so saddening..

Kitty, sorry that we cant bring you into our home..
Kitty, we love you..
Rest in peace..
No one will hurt you anymore..

Kitty, Say Strong!

First of all.. Sorry for the blury photos... 

Lets Pray for her...

Mummy and Kakak found this poor little injured kitty..
When we brought her from the outside, I see her rarely breath..=( 
Im not sure whether is it right to bring her into our house or whether we can save her..
But Im sure if we dont bring her in, she will die in this cold rainy night..
We are not sure how she got injured..
Probably got biten by her mum accidently when her mum is trying to carry her to other places..
We dont know.. Just guessing..

Arh! You cant imagine how I feel when I saw her die-ing but I dont know what to do!

Anyway we got her some water , but she got no energy to drink anymore..
We got her a cloth as her blanket..
Feed her water using cotton buds, bit by bit..
She was really thirsty! 
She breath normally again..

We put a cotton with iodine on her injured part..
She miow-ed, struggled desperately..
she was in pain... T.T
I almost drop my tears..

Anyway, Im such a coward..
I only help to cover blanket, feed water, I never dare to touch her.. =(

Kakak then feed her with some rice, she ate a bit..

So, she was struggling and struggling, rowling here and there,
therefore the rice sticked all over her body..

Dad suggest to feed her with some milk using baby milk bottles..
That was our old milk bottles.. =p
She drank desperately..
and stopped..

I guess..shez tired..

Mummy moved her from the wet box to a bigger one..
*Bravo bravo!! No one dare to touch the kitty but mummy did it.. =D

Sleep soundly little kitty..
All of us will pray for you tonight..
You have to stay strong you know!
See you tomorrow morning! 

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Went to my mum's cousin brother wedding this afternoon.
Same old thing, see the bride and groom walking from the door to their seats...
Looking at there sweet wedding photos.. =)
But there is one thing special..
The bride actually prepared a video of how they met, how they get together..
Immediately I thought of Jo...
How I met Jo?
1st memorable scene : He threw my bag into longkak..
GREAT! ("Jo, so kind of you ....^^")

And guess what, Im now a groupon freak..
Everyday I will check on Groupon to see what kind of short course offer they have! haha

And..tell you what..
I bought another make up short course voucher.. RM 49.50 per person.
with Mei Ting, Suzanne and Min Jie.
* Thanks Jo *wink... kaka
And maybe Im going to another glamarous makeup short course with Avon's staffs..



= =

Dad and my brother dont like me to put on heavy make up..
Then what for I learn make up ? = =

I dont know.. hahaha.. due to interest.. =p

lalallala.. im going to check on dealmates now! wheee! haha!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Everything done!

Finished my IETLS TEST last week..
I worried about the speaking test so much!
But surprisingly, it went on without much stress like MUET did..
The interviewer was kind..(and pretty!! ^^)
And guess what, both of us wore the same clothes.. *opps...
Luckily we wore different cartigen or else the situation will be very different... @.@

I have completed almost all of my gaols! Let me recall :
1. Make up short course
2. Get offers from universities
(Monash, IMU, Nottingham, HKU)
(Waiting for a SURPRISE from NUS thou =p)
3. IELTS Test
4. Went for single day part time job =p (More coming soon i guess)
5. Practice Doing sales in Mum's shop. Pursue people to buy things.. xD
6. What else? .......

Let me give myself another few more targets or things to do:
1. Use the new coming soon skin care product from AVON.
Hopefully it will heal my face..and I get to promote the product! teehee..
2. Waiting for Nottingham's official offer letter, and I got to do Body checkup (aiks).
3. Waiting for 16th May to promote an offer of ANEW GENICS in AVON! must be really excited! keke
4. 6 May - to attend relatives' wedding dinner.
5. 11,12 May - to attend cousin Sista's wedding. Gotta plan some games for the morning session! =D
6. Wait for IELTS results. T.T
7. Going to Melaka with Mei Ting for the nestle Bliss part time job. Hopefully! =D

and most importantly, find some time to watch movie with Jo. =p (do your assignment b4 this please).

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Another first time

A first time for me to work for other company.

Thanks to Dearest Mei Ting for giving me this lucky opportunity..

SO, what I did?xD

We went to Nestle Bliss Road Show as a "Facebook page" "LIKES" promoter.. haha
Fill in the form, like our page, take a photo And get a free yogurt! TADA! actually just a replacement of another girl, so I cant get the chance to go every roadshow!

Another first time for me to attend make up class.

What have I learned from this 6 hours class? HAH!
ALOT! (but doesnt mean I can do nice make up.. =p)
Learned a little bit about skincares , make up products..
Learned how to do natural make up.
OH! and the correct way to do manicure!

And I have nice skin pinky manicure on my fingers now!! hehe

IELTS will be on this Saturday! (The first exam without a lecturer or tutor.. =)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


5:07 in the morning,
cant sleep since 2am
just because of some ideas suddenly flow through my mind.. = =

The feeling of this moment :
People in Acheh is facing Tsunami and they might be escaping for their lifes at this time,
but I can still sit here writing my feelings.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


"Dear Ler Jia Xin, Thank you for applying to the School of Pharmacy at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. We are pleased to invite you and your family members to our Open Day on Friday, 20th April 2012.  There will be presentations on the course and the profession of pharmacy by the Admissions Tutor and a tour of the laboratories and campus. As part of the application process, you will also be interviewed by a member of the academic staff during your visit."

I have been waiting this for 2 weeks..

Whenever I think of this, my hearts flies away...

I have been so worried if I can make it on time..

I have to choose between IMU and Nottingham..
The dateline for payment for IMU is however on the 20th of april too..
I wonder if I can straight away ask the interviewers if I pass the interview or not..

I dont hope to see the following scenario :
" IMU withdraw the offer from me, & I fail the Nottingham Interview..."
No man! Tell me this is WONT going to happen!

I have to really prepare for this interview.. Phew..
Still, after going through so many interviews..
But the phobia for interview is still deep in my heart..
Whenever I see lecturers.. I cant speak well..
I just dont know why..

* If Im so lucky to get the place in Nottingham, 
I will still need to go for IELTS (which is required for entering IMU)! = =
No choice, I paid RM 590 for nothing... 
But still, hopefully I can get into Nottingham..

I cant imagine myself speaking in front of 4 lecturers on that day... T.T

Wish me Goodluck!!! ^^

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hi blog! Long time no see! haha

First thing to tell you is :

MY SUNFLOWERS are all wilted.. T.T
chose the wrong type of soil..
Sad =(
My aunt told me I should have chosen the less fertilized soil..

Second thing to tell you!!
Im so worry about the Nottingham Interview and IELTS test!!!!!
What to do what to do !! = =
I dont know what to prepare!!!

Third thing :
I've got to think of some special games for my cousin sis's wedding!!!
Ideas!!! Please come to me!!! ^^

Fourth thing :
I'm going for the make up short course very soon!!!
I wonder what can i learn within the 3 hours?? = =

Fifth thing :
I felt so guilty for eating CHOW KUEY TEOW after my one hour of tiring hiking with Jo.. T.T

Sixth thing :
I finish watching ON CALL 36 last week!!
Nice show!!!

Will be back soon bloggie! Byebye.. haha =p