Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Unpredictable Future

" So, what course will you be doing? "
"Erm.. Pharmacy Course!"
"Owww!~~~" with those "serious???" expression...
"Pharmacy course is very hard you know??"
"Ya I know.."

10 asked and 9 gave me this...

I asked QC why?

And he said Im those modellish look so people never thought you will be a future pharmacist..

Hmm.. A good way to comfort me indeed.. haha

Well.. Why do I choose pharmacy course??
-Because among all of the jobs I think Pharmacist suits me the BEST!
*I really hope I can complete the course! Joyce you can do it!

People ask me why not I choose my art path.??
1. Im not pro in arts
2. Im half a bucket
3. I dont follow watever latest style
4. I only do what I like to do, Like the colour matching I like
5. Most Importantly, inspirations of arts wont come every second..

I always like to give this example :
There was a street of artistic people selling their artwork...
LOTS of people surrounding their stall and take a look..
not much people willing to spend their money on arts stuff..
Even me myself..
*sadly.... if i earn alot, maybe i will buy la. haha..

Anyway, I always wanted to have a business dealing with art stuffs..
I used to have an online blog shop.. but failed.. xD
because of the too expensive postage fees...

Recently, I tried to come out with a handmade plush toys -PUFFY
I want to make it my trademark! =p My only puffy design..
Too bad, uni starting soon... and Im gonna be busy!
Hopefully I can manage my time well for arts and studies... ^^

Im happy and glad that I have my dear always stay beside me, comfort me whenever I feel inferior..
He understands me more and more as time goes by...Love you.. <3

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