Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hi blog! Long time no see! haha

First thing to tell you is :

MY SUNFLOWERS are all wilted.. T.T
chose the wrong type of soil..
Sad =(
My aunt told me I should have chosen the less fertilized soil..

Second thing to tell you!!
Im so worry about the Nottingham Interview and IELTS test!!!!!
What to do what to do !! = =
I dont know what to prepare!!!

Third thing :
I've got to think of some special games for my cousin sis's wedding!!!
Ideas!!! Please come to me!!! ^^

Fourth thing :
I'm going for the make up short course very soon!!!
I wonder what can i learn within the 3 hours?? = =

Fifth thing :
I felt so guilty for eating CHOW KUEY TEOW after my one hour of tiring hiking with Jo.. T.T

Sixth thing :
I finish watching ON CALL 36 last week!!
Nice show!!!

Will be back soon bloggie! Byebye.. haha =p

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